Ferny Grove is a suburb in North West Brisbane, Queensland, Australia about 12km from Brisbane City and 20 km inland from the coast.
The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro 2. Most data on this website updates every 5 minutes. Real time data automatically updates every 10 seconds. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.
This website and the associated system is under continued development. Updates are made to the website periodically for improvements and enhancements to the information presented. For more information on updates to the website refer to the page Website development information. When the website is updated this information is usually posted on the Blog as well.
Ferny Grove Weather is fully operational and previsions are in place for the continued operation of the website.
Temperature and humidity | |
Temperature | 14.1 °C |
Apparent temperature | 15.1 °C |
Wind Chill | 14.1 °C |
Heat Index | 14.1 °C |
Dew point | 13.4 °C |
Chill hours | 40.4 hrs |
Low temperature today | 10.4 °C at 5:56 am |
High temperature today | 14.1 °C at 7:29 am |
Fire danger index | Loading... |
Temperature and humidity | |
Avg temperature for today | 11.4 °C |
Last hour temperature trend | +3.3 °C |
Three hour temperature trend | 1.0 °C |
24 hour temperature change | 15.4 °C |
Relative humidity | 96 % |
Wet bulb temperature | 13.7 °C |
Delta T | Loading... |
Dew point depression | Loading... |
Low relative humidity today | 91 % at 12:00 am |
High relative humidity today | 97 % at 6:52 am |
Rainfall | |
Rainfall today | 0.0 mm |
Rainfall yesterday | Loading... |
Rainfall this month | Loading... |
Rainfall this year | Loading... |
Rain in last hour | 0.0 mm |
Rain in last 24 hours | 0.0 mm |
High hourly rain today | 0.0 mm at 12:00 am |
Cloud base height | 76 m |
Rainfall | |
Rainfall intensity | 0.0 mm |
Last rained | 2024-09-12 20:36 mm |
Consecutive rain days | 0 mm |
Consecutive dry days | 2 mm |
Rainfall event total | 0.0 mm at ----- |
Max rainfall intensity | 0.0 mm/hr at 12:00 am |
Wind Speed | |
Current wind gust | 0 km/h |
10 min. avg wind speed | 0 km/h |
Beaufort | F0 - Calm |
10 min. wind gust | 0 km/h |
Today wind run | 0.0 km |
Max wind speed today | 0km/h at 12:00 am |
Max wind gust today | 0km/h at 12:00 am |
Wind Direction | |
Current wind bearing | 0 ° - |
Avg wind bearing | 0 ° - |
Wind bearing variation | 0 ° to 0 ° |
Mean sea level pressure | |
MSL pressure | 1020.0 hPa |
Three hour trend | 0.2 hPa (Rising slowly) |
Mean sea level pressure | |
High MSL pressure today | 1020.7 hPa at 12:00 am |
Low MSL pressure today | 1018.8 hPa at 2:40 am |
Solar | |
Solar Radiation | 336 W/m2 |
Sun shining | Sun is shining |
UV Index | 1.0 |
Solar totals and UV Index | |
Sunshine today | 1.1 hrs |
High UV Index today | 1.0 (Low) at 7:28 am |
Air Quality - PM2.5 | |
Current | 0.0 ㎍/m3 |
Last hour average | 0.1 ㎍/m3 |
Last 3 hours average | 0.1 ㎍/m3 |
Last 24 hours average | 0.9 ㎍/m3 |
24 hr Nowcast weighted avg | 0.1 ㎍/m3 |
Last 24 hour index | 3.6-Very good |
Air Quality - PM10 | |
Current | 1.0 ㎍/m3 |
Last hour average | 0.6 ㎍/m3 |
Last 3 hours average | 0.7 ㎍/m3 |
Last 24 hours average | 1.6 ㎍/m3 |
24 hr Nowcast weighted avg | 0.7 ㎍/m3 |
Last 24 hour index | 3.1-Very good |
Forecasts |
Zambretti station forecast: Settled Fine Weather |
Sager station forecast: Fair; No important change. Some tendency for slight increase in winds during day, diminishing in evening. Shifting (or variable) winds. |
Bureau of Meteorology Ferny Grove Forecast | ||||||
Day | Forecast | Min | Max | Rain | ||
Sun | Mostly sunny. | 24 °C | 30% | |||
Mon | Partly cloudy. | 10 °C | 22 °C | 10% | ||
Tue | Mostly sunny. | 11 °C | 23 °C | 10% | ||
Wed | Mostly sunny. | 11 °C | 25 °C | 10% | ||
Thu | Sunny. | 12 °C | 29 °C | 10% | ||
Fri | Partly cloudy. | 13 °C | 29 °C | 30% | ||
Sat | Partly cloudy. | 14 °C | 30 °C | 30% |
Sun rise and set | |
Sun rise: 5:46 am | Sun set: 5:42 pm |
Day length: 11 hrs 55 min | |
Civil Twilight | |
Dawn: 5:23 am | Dusk: 6:05 pm |
Day light length: 12 hrs 41 min |
Moon rise and set | |
Moon rise: 2:26 pm | Moon set: 3:40 am |
Moon visible: 85 % | |
Waxing Gibbous |
11/9/24: Partly cloudy with Cu and Sc clouds. The temperature fell slowly from the start of the day, hot, before falling more quickly from late in the early hours. From early in the morning the temperature rose, easing to warm and to slightly warm in the mid morning. From late in the morning the temperature stabilised that was a little variable, close to average, before falling from the mid afternoon. Early in the evening the temperature stabilised, slightly above average, before falling during the rest of the evening, warm. Dew point fell slowly from the start of the day, moderately high, before falling more quickly from the middle of the early hours. Dew point rose from late in the early hours. From the mid morning the dew point stabilised, fell slowly from early in the afternoon, rose slightly in the middle of the evening, before falling slowly during the rest of the evening, easing to slightly above average late in the evening. Relative humidity was stable from the start of the day, close to average, before falling during the morning. From the mid morning the relative humidity fell very slowly, moderately high, became high, before rising from the mid afternoon. Late in the afternoon the relative humidity eased to moderately high and to slightly above average in the evening. Light S to SW winds from early with calm winds at times, before backing during the morning to E to NE in the mid morning. Light ENE to NE winds from the mid afternoon, becoming calm from the middle of the evening.
12/9/24: Partly cloudy with Cu and Sc clouds increasing to cloudy in afternoon. Smoke haze. Late afternoon mild thunderstorm with a very brief period of heavy rainfall (6 mm in 3 minutes), following by light rain at times until early in the evening. The temperature fell slowly from the start of the day, warm, fell more quickly from the middle of the early hours, before rising during the morning, slightly warm. From early in the afternoon the temperature fell, briefly fell sharply late in the afternoon, close to average, before falling slowly afterwards. From the middle of the evening the temperature fell a little more quickly, slightly warm. Dew point was stable from the start of the day, slightly above average, fell slowly from the middle of the early hours, before rising from early in the morning, moderately high. From the mid morning the dew point stabilised, briefly rose a little in the mid afternoon, before stabilising afterwards. From the middle of the evening the dew point fell, easing to slightly above average. Relative humidity rose slowly from the start of the day, close to average, before falling during the morning and early afternoon, slightly above average from the mid morning. From the mid afternoon the relative humidity rose, becoming high and then to very high late in the afternoon, easing to high in the evening before stabilising form the middle of the evening, moderately high. Calm winds from early, before light NW to NE winds from the mid morning. WInds shifting to NNE to ENE in the mid afternoon, before some variable winds late in the afternoon. Mostly calm winds in the evening with some light SSW to SSE winds at times in the evening.
13/9/24: Partly cloudy with Cu and Sc clouds. Smoke haze clearing in morning. The temperature fell slowly from the start of the day, slightly warm, before rising during the morning, close to average. From the middle of the day the temperature fell a little, slightly cool, rose a little in the mid afternoon, before falling from the late afternoon, close to average. Dew point fell slowly from the start of the day, slightly above average, before rising a little during the morning. From the mid morning the dew point fell slowly before stabilising from the middle of the day, close to average. Relative humidity was stable from the start of the day, close to average, before falling during the morning, slightly above average. Relative humidity rose a little in the early afternoon, fell a little afterwards, before rising from the mid afternoon, slightly below average. Light S to SW winds at the start of the day, before SSW to W winds during the rest of the early hours with some calm winds at times, Light SSW to SSE winds during the morning, shifting to SSW to SE from the middle of the day and S to ESE from the mid afternoon. Light S to SE winds early in the evening, Light S to SW winds in the middle of the evening and calm late in the evening.