Station Operation logs

On this page the Incident and Service Change logs provides details of incidents that affect the operation of our station and adversely impact on the availability or the quality of our data as well as major changes to the provided Service.

Station Incident log

Date Type of Incident Impact details Further action
1 March 2024 Data interruption An issue affected recent rainfall data not being correct due to a software issue relating to the leap day preventing rainfall from being logged. Where possible data has been corrected. Resolved
20 January 2024 Data interruption Unplanned issue of data not updating between 1am and 9:15am on Saturday 20 January 2024 after the data collection system crashed while running routine tasks. The website however remained available during this outage. The data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
9 January 2024 Website interruption Schedule website outage between 9:15pm and 11:30pm on Tuesday 9 January 2024 to deploy a new and improved version (v2.0.0) of the website, replacing v1.13.2. During this period, scheduled maintenance and testing took place, and on its completion, the website was upgraded. During this data was collected with no impact on the data collection Resolved
27 November 2023 Data interruption Unplanned issue of data populated within graphs for 24 hour ending at 10am on Monday 27 November 2023. This was caused by a server issue preventing data being uploaded to this website. Missing data was continued to logged by the primary data collection system, and the missing data was uploaded. Resolved
10 April 2023 Data interruption Data outage during a Network Service Provider outage. Data did not update on the website between 1:30pm am and 8:40 pm. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
27 December 2022 Data interruption Planning data outage of temperature and humidity data for 100 minutes from 4:20pm pm to 5:20. This was for during sensor equipment maintenance for continued data accuracy. The website however remained available during this outage. Resolved
26 December 2022 Data interruption Planned data outage for system maintenance for data loss prevention where a full system image as a backup was created. An outage occurred between 10:30pm and 11:30pm where no data was sent to the website. The website however remained available during this outage. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
12 June 2022 Data interruption Unplanned data outage due to a weather station connectivity issue. Data on this website did not updated between 12:05am and 8am. The data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
28 May 2022 Data interruption Data outage for system maintenance to update required software components. An outage occurred between 1:30pm and 2:30pm where no data was sent to the website. The website however remained available during this outage. Resolved
27 May 2022 Data interruption Data outage during a Network Service Provider outage. Data did not update on the website between 3:10 am and 5:50 am. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
25 March 2022 Instrument accuracy Blockage in automatic rain gauge caused incorrect rainfall rates and timings during the evening of Friday 25 March 2022. However the total rainfall recorded is correct.a Resolved
20 March 2022 Data interruption Data outage during onsite electrical work. Data did not update on the website between 9:15 am and 10:30 am. Upon the successful completion of the outage the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data Resolved
7 February 2022 Data interruption Planned data outage during work by the Network Service Provider. Data did not update on the website between 1:20 am and 2:10 am. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
5 and 6 February 2022 Data interruption Unplanned data outage due to a weather station connectivity issue. Data on this website did not updated between 4:15pm on 5 February and 1:55am on 6 February. The data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
24 October 2021 Data interruption Unplanned data outage due to a weather station connectivity issue. Data on this website did not updated between 1:40am and 11:30am. The data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
14 October 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage during work by the Network Service Provider. Data did not update on the website between 12:00 am and 1:50 am. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
13 October 2021 Data interruption Unplanned data outage due to a server issue. Data did not update for 60 minutes between 5:25 pm and 6:25pm on Wednesday 13 October 2021. Much of the missing data have now been populated from our developmental system. Resolved
5 September 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage for system maintenance for data loss prevention where a full system image as a backup was created. An outage occurred between 8:05pm and 9:10pm where no data was sent to the website. The website however remained available during this outage. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
22 August 2021 Data interruption Planning data outage of temperature and humidity data for 100 minutes from 3:10 pm to 5:20 pm. This was for during sensor equipment maintenance for continued data accuracy. the website however remained available during this outage. Resolved
20 June 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage for system maintenance for data loss prevention where a full system image as a backup was created. An outage occurred between 8:55pm and 10:35 pm on Sunday 20 June 2021 where no data was sent to the website. The website however remained available during this outage. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
24 May 2021 Data interruption Unplanned data outage during work by the Network Service Provider where no notice provided of the extended outage. Data did not update on the website between 12:05am and 12:45am and between 8:45 am and 10:55am. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
17 May 2021 Data interruption Unplanned data outage during issues with our local network and security changes on the server. There was no wind gust data between 9:40 am and 3:20 pm and no data delivered to the website database from 3:20 pm to 6:30pm. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which was not affected by the server issue. Resolved
18 April 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage for system maintenance for data loss prevention where a full system image as a backup was created. An outage occurred between 8pm and 9:30 pm on Sunday 18 April 2021 where no data was sent to the website. The website however remained available during this outage. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
15 March 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage during work by the Network Service Provider. Data did not update on the website between 12:15 am and 1:20 am. Much of the missing data was populated from the system which continued to operate normally during the outage. Resolved
13 March 2021 Data interruption Unplanning data outage where some data did not update due to an issue with the data collection system. Data did not update for 5 hours. Resolved
6 February 2021 Data interruption Planned data outage for system maintenance for data loss prevention where a full system image as a backup was created. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
31 January 2021 Data interruption Unplanning data outage where some data did not update due to an issue with the data collection software. Data did not update for 4 hours from 6:45am. Resolved
22 November 2020 Data interruption Planning data outage of temperature and humidity data for 50 minutes from 4:20 pm to 5:10 pm . This was for during sensor equipment maintenance for continued data accuracy. Resolved
27 July 2020 Data interruption Unplanned data outage while a system failure occurred with the Raspberry Pi Operating System that required a re-build of the data collection system. An outage occurred between 8:30 am and 11pm where no data was sent to the website. Upon the successful completion of the rebuild the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a very minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
8 June 2020 Data interruption Unplanned data outage during an emergency power outage. This occurred between 6:50pm and 8pm. This caused a minor impact on logged data. Resolved
10 January 2020 Data interruption Scheduled data outage for the upgrading the operating system from Stretch to Buster of the Raspberry Pi collecting the data from the weather station and sending to this website. An outage occurred between 9 am and 11:15 am where no data was sent to the website. Upon the successful completion of the upgrade the data logger (at 5 minute intervals) provided the data during the outage with a minor impact on the recorded data. Resolved
9 March 2019 Data interruption Scheduled maintenance caused some short outages of temperature and humidity data in order to resolve an issue with aspiration of the temperature and humidity sensor radiation shield. Resolved
3 November 2018 Data interruption The temperature and humidity data was off line for approximately one hour when maintenance and an upgrade was conducted Nil
26 September 2018 Instrument relocation All sensors reporting observations at this site were relocated to a different and temporary site between 8 am and 10:30 am. There were interruptions to the collected data during this relocation. This new location is less exposed than the currently installed locations which is expected to produce a moderate impact on recorded observations. As a result lower wind speed, lower rainfall, higher humidity and slightly cooler day-time temperatures are generally expected. A replacement system (Davis Vantage Pro 2) was installed on Wednesday 3 October and replaced the current system at 4:45 PM on Thursday 4 October. The data is measured much more accurately and differences are be expected from the existing observations. A comparison summary comparing the new system to the old system over the following several months will be available in the future. Resolved
5 April 2018 Instrument relocation Temperature and humidity sensors have been relocated to a nearby and similar new location at least temporarily which may have an impact on recorded observations. This will be closely monitored and siting adjustments made as necessary. Further updates will be issued if required. Resolved
24 December 2017 Instrument failure Wind direction measurements were not available due to equipment failure from 11:00 AM. This has caused the wind direction measurements to not record correctly and repeatedly record the same direction. This issue was resolved with the commissioning of a new system on October 4 2018. However alternative wind measurements are provided in the mean time in a trial state as a temporary substitute but at a lower measuring frequency until 26 September 2018. The station used for these measurement is less reliable which also failed on the 26 September 2018 and outages during very high humidity occurred when manual observations are not available. Resolved
Thursday 24 August 2017 Instrument fault Rainfall observations were incorrect with readings too low, however rainfall since this occurred has been measured correctly (as compared with a manual rain gauge). The gauge has been checked and the issue is most likely caused by a failing component (rusting magnet and/or faulty reed switch) which has been gradually occurring. The gauge was tested for correct operation (by manually tipping the tipping buckets) and also testing with water with the gauge preforming correctly. It possible humid air and/ or moisture while raining was contributing to the issue. It is expected readings might not be reliable and become less reliable and more erratic as the component fails further. This issue was resolved with the replacement of this system. Resolved
25 July 2017 Instrument accuracy The accuracy of some readings were affected at times between approximately 7am and 2pm. Resolved

Station Service change log

Date Type of change Change details
21 March 2021 System change and new instruments A UV index sensor was installed on 20 March 2021 with records beginning on 21 March 2021.
26 December 2020 New instruments Between Saturday 19 December 2020 and Tuesday 22 December 2020 improvements were made to the system using a Davis Instrument Weather link Live replacing the Davis Vantage Pro2 console ensuring that the configuration aligns with the previous system and data. The system was switched to the upgraded system at 10:10pm on 26 December 2020 allowing for the commencement of recording air quality, solar radiation and sunshine hours.
25 April 2019 Update frequency As part of a new website offering of Ferny Grove Weather current weather data updates every 10 seconds every day, except when maintenance is required. Major interruptions that are known can be found in the Station Incident log
9 March 2019 Update frequency Data on this website now updates every 15 minutes every day (without any guarantees) instead of previously twice each day and more regularly during weekends and notable weather
3 November 2018 New instruments installed A replacement system was installed on Wednesday 3 October and replaced the current system at 4:45 PM on Thursday 4 October. The data is measured much more accurately and differences are be expected from the existing observations. A comparison summary comparing the new system to the old system over the several months will be available by late winter 2019.