SpotWx Numerical Models

On this page is various outputs from Numerical Weather Models for Ferny Grove supplied by SpotWx. For all official weather information please refer to the Bureau of Meteorology.

Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS) by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Model Runs: 00/12 GMT, Forecast Range: 240 hours, Spatial Resolution: 15 kilometers, Temporal Resolution: 3 hours

CMC GEPS Ensemble by Environment Canada.

Model Runs: 00/12 GMT, Forecast Range: 384 hours (16 days), Spatial Resolution: 0.5 degree, Temporal Resolution: 3 hours to hour 192, then 6 hours to hour 384

Global Forecast System (GFS) by National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA.

Model Runs: 00/06/12/18 GMT, Forecast Range: 384 hours, Spatial Resolution: 0.25 degree, Temporal Resolution: 1 hour to hour 120, then 3 hours to hour 384