In February at Ferny Grove well above average overnight temperatures were observed and were the highest in 10 years. Daytime temperatures were close to average and were the lowest in 5 years. Rainfall at Ferny Grove during the month was well above average and was the highest in 25 years with showers and thunderstorms throughout the month and especially in the first half of the month. Mean relative humidity was above average, mean dew point was above average and mean air pressure was below average. There were 7 thunderstorms (10 thunder days).
Mean minimum temperature: 21.2 ºC, 0.9 ºC above average and 0.3 ºC higher than same month in 2019. This is the second highest on record for February and the highest since the current record high of 21.4 ºC in 2010.
Mean maximum temperature: 30.4 ºC, 0.5 ºC above average and 0.8 ºC lower than same month in 2019.
Mean temperature: 27 ºC, 1.4 ºC above average and 0.6 ºC higher than same month in 2019.
Lowest temperature: 19.6 ºC on 6 February 2020 at 6:00 AM. Same month in 2019 was 16.8 ºC. This is the highest monthly minimum temperature for February on record, exceeding the previous record high of 18.9 ºC in 2010 on 26 February.
Highest temperature: 37.6 ºC on 3 February 2020 at 12:38 PM. The same month in 2019 was 36.7 ºC. This is the second highest monthly daily maximum temperature for February on record, the highest since the current record high of 40.5 ºC in 2017 on 12 February at 1:06 PM.
Lowest maximum temperature: 23.8 ºC on 6 February 2020 at 12:39 PM. This month in 2019 was 25.6 ºC.
Highest minimum temperature: 23.5 ºC on 4 February 2020 at 6:17 AM. This month in 2019 was 25 ºC.
Minimum temperatures in February were above average during most days of the month, with some days of near average minimum temperatures. The middle part of the month between the 8th and 19th saw a extended period of above average minimum temperatures of up to 3 ºC above average. Minimum temperatures were close to average on the 22nd to 26th. The 27th was 3 ºC above average.
February maximum temperatures saw a mixture of above average and below average temperatures during the month. The first half of the month saw some days of near average maximum temperatures. The first few days of the month saw temperatures of 3 to 8 ºC above average, before a 11 day period of near average to below average temperatures with the lowest being 6 ºC on the 5th and 6th. The 15th and 20th was a warm period of temperatures of 3 to 6 ºC above average. After a brief near average period a cool period followed on the 23rd to 25th falling to 5 ºC below average. A warmer period with temperatures of between 1 and 4 ºC above average occurred at the end of the month.
Mean minimum grass temperature: 20.4 ºC (1.4 ºC higher than same month in 2019).
Lowest Minimum Grass Temperature: 17.5 ºC on 20 February 2020 (2.7 ºC higher than same month in 2019).
Highest Minimum Grass Temperature: 23 ºC on 4 February 2020 (0.4 ºC higher than same month in 2019). This coincided with the highest minimum air temperature of 24.4 ºC for the month
Highest Minimum Grass Temperature Depression: 2.3 ºC on 20 February 2020 with a minimum grass temperature of 17.5 ºC and an air temperature of 19.8 ºC.
Lowest Minimum Grass Temperature Depression: -0.4 ºC on 7 February 2020 with a minimum grass temperature of 20.5 ºC and an air temperature of 20.1 ºC.
Mean minimum MSL pressure: 1008.5 hPa (1.7 hPa lower than same month in 2019). This is the lowest on record for February exceeding the previous record low of 1009.3 hPa in 2018.
Mean maximum MSL pressure: MSL Pressure: 1013.3 hPa (1.4 hPa lower than same month in 2019). This is the lowest on record for February exceeding the previous record low of 1013.6 hPa in 2012.
Mean MSL pressure: 1010.9 hPa (3.1 hPa below average, 1.5 hPa lower than same month in 2019). This is the lowest on record for February exceeding the previous record low of 1011.8 hPa in 2012.
Lowest MSL pressure: 1002.9 hPa on 18 February 2020 at 5:38 PM. The same month in 2019 saw 1001.3 hPa.
Highest MSL pressure: 1020.6 hPa on 23 February 2020 at 8:44 AM. The same month in 2019 saw 1023.5 hPa.
Mean minimum relative humidity: 55.6 % (12.8 % higher than same month in 2019 and 2.4 % above average).
Mean maximum relative humidity: 89.2 % (7.2 % higher than same month in 2019 and 2.3 % below average).
Mean relative humidity: 72.4 % (10 % higher than same month in 2019 and 2.3 % above average).
Lowest relative humidity: 27 % on 2 February 2020 at 12:58 PM (1 % lower than this month in 2019). This is the lowest monthly and daily minimum humidity for February on record and the lowest since 28% in 2019 on 23 February at 3:17 PM.
Highest relative humidity: 93 % on 14 February 2020 at 6:44 AM (3 % lower than this month in 2019). This is the lowest monthly February maximum humidity on record exceeding the previous record low of 95% in 2012 on 25 February at 7:25 AM.
Monthly mean minimum dew point: 17.8 ºC (2.3 ºC above average).
Monthly mean maximum dew point: 22.5 ºC (2.4 ºC above average). This is the highest monthly mean maximum dew point for February exceeding the previous record high of 22.3 ºC in 2018.
Monthly mean dew point: 20.1 ºC (2.3 ºC above average).
Lowest dew point: 12.4 ºC on 20 February 2020 at 5:50 AM.
Highest dew point: 25.4 ºC on 15 February 2020 at 1:57 PM.
Highest wind gust: : 33 km/hr on 21 February 2020 at 11:49 AM. This is the second highest February maximum wind gust and the lowest since the current record low of 32.9 km/hr in 2012 on the 2 February at 7:47 AM. The maximum wind gust this month in 2019 was 44 km/hr.
Highest wind speed: 19 km/hr on 3 February 2020 at 4:05 PM (Light Force Wind). This is the second lowest monthly maximum wind speed for February on record, the lowest since the current record low of 18.1 km/hr in 2012 on 20 February at 5:35 PM
Total Wind Run: 2799.8 km (1222.6 km lower than same month in 2019), 911.2 km above average and 29.2 % above average. This is the second highest on record for February total wind run and the highest since the current record high of 4022.4 in 2019.
Mean wind speed: 4.1 km/hr (1.8 km higher than this month in 2019), 0.1 km/hr below average and 2.4 % above average. This is the second highest on record for February and the highest since the current record low of 6 km/hr in 2019.
Daily Mean Maximum Wind Gust: 24.3 km/hr (5.5 km/hr lower than this month in 2019), 0.2 km/hr below average and 0.8% below average. This is the second lowest daily mean maximum wind speed on record for February and the lowest since the current record low of 22.2 km/hr in 2012.
Daily Mean Maximum Wind Speed: 12.7 km/hr, 2 km/hr lower than this month in 2019), 2.7 km/hr above average and 26.6 % above average. This is the second lowest daily mean maximum wind speed on record for February and the lowest since the current record low of 10.1 km/hr in 2012.
Dominant Direction: E (SE this month last year).
Rainfall total: 389.2 mm, 227.4 mm above average (240.5 % of long term average), 244.3 mm above the long term median and 253.1% of the site median. This is higher than this month last year which was 39.8 mm. This is the third highest on record for February and the highest since 464.75 mm in 1995 and highest for any month since 480.7 mm in January 2013. Automatic rain gauge was 313.2 mm (-19.5 % of manual gauge).
Highest daily rainfall total: 93.9 mm on 7 February 2020.
Number of rain days: 20 days, 7 greater than this month in 2019 and 8.2 days above average. This is second highest on record for February and is the highest since the current record high of 21 days in 2015.
Highest rainfall rate: 157.8 mm/hr on the 7 February 2020 at 10:41 AM. This is the second highest monthly rainfall rate for February, the highest since the current record high of 273.4 mm/hr in 2018 on 2 January 2018 at 8:06 PM.
Highest hourly rainfall total: 17.6 mm on the 6 February 2020 at 4:51 PM.
In February there were frequent rain, showers and storms throughout the month. The first several days saw mostly light falls, before increasing from the 6th with shower and storms which was accompanied by heavy falls with thunderstorms. A 11 day wet spell ended on the 14th before less frequent showers and thunderstorms for the remainder of the month with mostly light to moderate falls.
There were 8 days of morning dew.
Warm and sunny in the first several days of the month before
Persistent surface troughs further inland along with a strengthening coastal trough near the southern Queensland coast brought an active period of showers and thunderstorms with some heavy falls from the 4th to the 14th. This brought many cool and cloudy days.
Warmer weather later in the month with showers and thunderstorms continuing during the rest of the month unstable conditions remained aided by moist onshore winds along the coast.
Following rain in January and in this month rainfall deficiencies in the short term of 6 to 12 months have improved further and was above average.
For February there were 6 existing records exceeded or equalled, along with 7 records that was highest/lowest in at least 5 years.
For more detailed analysis refer to the “Monthly Meteorological Report for February 2020”
Summary of Averages and Extremes for February 2020 for Ferny Grove, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
Min Temp |
Max Temp |
Mean Temp |
Temp Range |
Min Grass Temp |
Min Grass Temp Depression |
Min Relative Humidity |
Max Relative Humidity |
Mean Relative Humidity |
Min MSL pressure |
Max MSL Pressure |
Mean MSL Pressure |
Dew Point |
Max Wind Gust |
Max Wind Speed |
Daily rain |
Average |
21.2 |
30.4 |
25.8 |
9.2 |
20.4 |
0.8 |
55.6 |
89.2 |
72.4 |
1008.5 |
1013.3 |
1010.9 |
20.1 |
24.3 |
12.7 |
13.4 |
Min |
19.6 |
23.8 |
21.7 |
2.6 |
17.5 |
-0.4 |
27 |
77 |
58 |
1002.9 |
1006.7 |
1004.9 |
12.4 |
15.0 |
9.0 |
Max |
23.5 |
37.6 |
29.7 |
15.8 |
23.0 |
2.3 |
85 |
93 |
89 |
1017.8 |
1020.6 |
1019.2 |
25.4 |
33.0 |
19.0 |
93.9 |
Total |
389.2 |
Summary for February 2020 from long term average for Ferny Grove, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
Temperature |
Relative Humidity |
MSL Pressure |
Dew Point |
Wind Gust |
Wind Speed |
Rainfall |
Rainfall as Fraction of monthly average (%) |
Average |
+0.7 |
+6.0 |
-3.1 |
+2.3 |
-0.2 |
+2.7 |
+227.4 |
240.5 |
Min |
+0.9 |
+9.7 |
+2.4 |
Max |
+0.5 |
+2.3 |
+2.3 |
+324.0 |
Monthly averages and extremes for Year of 2020 to Date for Ferny Grove, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia |
Temperature |
Temperature Anomaly from Long Term Avg. |
Rain total |
Rain Anomaly |
Rain days |
Avg Min |
Avg Max |
Low Min |
High Max |
Average |
Min |
Max |
Average |
Jan-20 |
21.9 |
32.2 |
18.6 |
35.4 |
27.0 |
+1.2 |
+1.6 |
+1.4 |
183.3 |
+38.3 |
15 |
Feb-20 |
21.2 |
30.4 |
19.6 |
37.6 |
25.8 |
+0.9 |
+0.5 |
+0.7 |
389.2 |
+227.4 |
20 |
21.6 |
31.3 |
18.6 |
37.6 |
26.4 |
+1.1 |
+1.0 |
+1.1 |
572.5 |
+265.7 |
35 |
Based on Bureau of Meteorology Climate summaries (Copyright) of which some data was obtained from. From September 2017 the Bureau of Meteorology Climate summaries were expanded to provide data from official stations in and near the Greater Brisbane “Greater capital city Statistical Area” (GCCSA).
Data Copyright Ferny Grove Weather 2020, Produced 5/4/20. Data Checking has been carried out but errors may still be present and therefore there is no assurance of correctness. Corrections may be made at a later data if errors or deficiencies are found and/or improvements in data handling techniques are made, though data with major improvements may not be updated in this summary. Data measured with professional moderate accuracy equipment. This replaced non professional equipment of low accuracy with differences in the measured data. The new equipment measures the daily average wind speed and wind run about 40 % higher. Daily rainfall and grass minimum temperature is measured using non-professional equipment of moderate accuracy.
Site Commencement data is April 15 2009 except for daily rainfall which commenced on January 1 1987. Not all variables have been measured over the entire station record. Most variables are measured over a 24 hour period ending in the evening and over a 24 hour period from midnight effective October 5 2018. Maximum temperatures are measured over the 24 hours from 9 am on the day of measurement. Minimum temperatures are measured over the 24 hours to 9 am of the day of measurement. Rainfall is measured over 24 hours to 9am and recorded on that day. This is the same as the official time standard. Some rainfall measurements are not made at 9am and is adjusted based on the automatic record. Minimum Grass Temperature is measured over an approx. 12 hour period ending in the early morning. MSL refers to Mean Sea Level, which is the standard meteorological method of measuring air pressure reduced to sea level based on both elevation and temperature. Grass Minimum Depression is the difference of the grass minimum temperature from the air temperatures and is a positive value when the grass temperature is below the air temperature.
Up until March 9 2019 automatic records as Dew Point, Average Wind Speed, Dominant Wind Direction, Wind Run, Rain Rate and Hourly Rain are measured over a 24 hour period starting at midnight and recorded for that day. This started on the 6 October 2011. The automatic record is used for some data and also may be used if data is not available/ not suitable. From March 9 2019 the automatic record became the official record instead, simplifying this process. Until replaced on 5 October 2018 the temperature and humidity sensor is under exposed so minimum temperature and maximum humidity are incorrect and low accuracy rain gauge is used which are not used as the site’s official record. This data limitation does not apply to other measurements of temperatures, air pressure and humidity, wind gust, daily and monthly rainfall and rain days elsewhere in this summary which are recorded separately and form the official record for this site. The replacement equipment is sited in more exposed locations and therefore the limitations don’t apply, though the automatic daily rainfall doesn’t form the official data for the site.
Long term averages are based on all available long period past measurements from October 2019 whilst for non automatic rainfall is based on 1987 to 2017 average from the station record, while. Prior to this the long term average for Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air pressure is based on 2009 to 2015 average from the station record and wind speed is based on the 2010 to 2018 average from station record. Wind Run is 2011 to 2018 and Rain Rate and High Hourly Rain is 2011 to 2017.
The Fraction of monthly average expresses how much has fallen in respect to the long term average listed as a percentage. The decile ranking compares the rainfall total to the historical record for the site where the record is divided into 10 equal groups. Decile 1 is the lowest 10% of the record (10th percentile) and Decile 10 (90th percentile) is the highest 10% of the record. Decile 1 is considered “very low”, decile 2 and 3 “low”, decile 4 to 7 “average”, decile 8 and 9 “high” and decile 10 “very high”.