Several new pages are now available on the website using data retrieved from a database of the weather station data. These new pages are:
- Past Month Graphs that graphically shows the data for the various parameters at 5 minute intervals for the past 30 days. This is functionally very similar to the Recent Data graphs which shows the last 7 days but at a 1 minute resolution.
- Top 10 Records shows the Top 10 extremes measured at this station for various parameters.
- Recent Extremes Since looks at some of the extremes for today and yesterday and compared that to the all-time extreme records and in the past for the current month by showing the last time these extremes was higher or lower.
Various other modifications that has been made and are summarised as:
- Some bugs/ corrections with the graphing have been made with the major issues being the home page real-time graph not updating with new data after the page loads and the “Daily Temperatures” and “Daily Rainfall” graphs showing dates into the future.
- The introduction of Past Month Graphs replaced a previously available page to show data in case of system interruptions. That was a non database data source and so this removal brought a reduction in bandwidth usage.
- Backend improvements to the file structure, updating J Query and consolidating the graphing to use a single source of styling
- The Seabreeze Forecast was fixed after it stopped working on the Forecasts and Observations page.
- The station status showing the station online or off-line on the home page and similarly on the System Status have been improved. It now handles instances when the station goes off-line when issues occur or for maintenance in a more robust manner. It does that by now making these checks on all uploaded data. It also now indicates whether interruptions or going off-line is a partial issue affecting all data updating on the website or whether is only affecting some of the data.